
| Publications

Während der ersten Tage des Krieges sahen sich russische Journalist mit einer existenziellen Entscheidung konfrontiert: Entweder ins Exil zu gehen, um weiterhin frei und unabhängig berichten zu können, oder in Russland zu bleiben, um vor Ort präsent zu sein. Dabei standen sie vor der Wahl, sich den strengen Zensurauflagen zu unterwerfen oder ihre Freiheit zu riskieren, wenn sie Informationen an das Ausland weitergaben. Eine detaillierte Analyse der Lage der russischen Medien während des Krieges…


| Publications

The documentary "The Traitors" exposes the sobering truth about modern Russian politics, reminding the reader that Putin's regime is merely a continuation of the corrupt system established in the 1990s


| Publications

Russland ist bestrebt, die globalen Transformationsprozesse zu seinen Gunsten zu beeinflussen, indem es sich verstärkt auf Kooperationen außerhalb des Westens konzentriert.


| Publications

Research by Dr. Andrey Yuryevich Buzin, Ph.D. in Law


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Analyse von Olga Gulina, unabhängige Beraterin und Expertin für Migrationsmanagement in europäischen Ländern.


| Publications

Analyse von Dmitri Stratievski, Vorsitzender des Osteuropa-Zentrum Berlin.


| Publications

The war against Ukraine came as a shock for most Russians, even the most engaged in politics did not think it would go that far. As a result of political upheaval, an exodus of Russians from the country has begun to be observed. 

Which social class do the majority of Russian emigrants belong to? What professional sectors do they come from? What countries did they choose to move to and why? Where have Russian emigrants faced discrimination? What are the political attitudes of most emigrants and…


08.05.2023 | Publications

Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS) conducted a face-to-face survey of Russian migrants who left for Georgia and Armenia after 24 February 2022.


| Publications

Political theorist and sociologist Greg Yudin elaborates on the pivotal aspects of deep contradictions and inequality in Russian society, exacerbated by the mobilization announced by Vladimir Putin in September 2022. Based on a set of polls, the author examines the main trends and patterns demonstrating the discrepancies between generations, regions and peoples in the country. Greg Yudin does not preclude the possibility of internal conflicts amid general disunity but assumes that young…


| Publications

In this analytical paper, the political scientist Dr. Ilya Matveev examines the renewed social crisis in Russia based on five indicators, namely the standard of living, employment and wages in the industrial area, healthcare, the non-profit sector and demography. While the country's military expenditures, "partial" mobilization and unprecedented sanctions imposed by Western countries have not resulted in a comprehensive economic collapse over the past year, conditions in the country have become…


Publications from the Digital Library

Wild paroxysms of the turbulent 90s - How The Traitors documentary exposed the Russian liberal milieu

Kadik, Lev

Wild paroxysms of the turbulent 90s - How The Traitors documentary exposed the Russian liberal milieu

Bonn, 2024

Download publication (250 KB, PDF-File)

Ascent and decline of Russian electoral legislation

Buzin, Andrei

Ascent and decline of Russian electoral legislation

Bonn, 2024

Download publication (470 KB, PDF-File)

Why the CSTO failed to become "Russia's NATO"

Stratievski, Dmitri

Why the CSTO failed to become "Russia's NATO"

Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and Russia
Bonn, 2023

Download publication (300 KB, PDF-File)

Exodus of russians to Germany: 1917-1924 vs. 2022

Gulina, Olga

Exodus of russians to Germany: 1917-1924 vs. 2022

Bonn, 2023

Download publication (250 KB, PDF-File)

New Russian migrants against the war: Political action in Russia and abroad

New Russian migrants against the war: Political action in Russia and abroad

Bonn, 2023

Download publication (800 KB, PDF-File)

Divides behind the facade of unity

Yudin, Greg

Divides behind the facade of unity

Bonn, 2023

Download publication (160 KB, PDF-File)

The crisis at the door

Matveev, Il'ja

The crisis at the door

Social decline in Russia after 24 February 2022
Bonn, 2023

Download publication (300 KB, PDF-File)

Limitations of anti-war messaging oriented at Russians

Krašeninnikov, Fëdor

Limitations of anti-war messaging oriented at Russians

Bonn, 2022

Download publication (150 KB, PDF-File)

Why does the Kremlin's propaganda remain effective in wartime?

Krašeninnikov, Fëdor

Why does the Kremlin's propaganda remain effective in wartime?

Bonn, 2022

Download publication (150 KB, PDF-File)

Identifying an integration model for the North Caucasus - Part 1

Žiruchina, Elena

Identifying an integration model for the North Caucasus - Part 1

Politics, security and economy
Moskau, 2022

Download publication (140 KB, PDF-File)